Mangos: Treat Your Skin and Your Taste Buds

Mango is my favorite fruit next to pineapples. They're sweet, juicy and delicious. This extraordinary fruit contains high amounts of vitamin A (contributing to it's meaty bright orange color). It also contains Vitamins B, C , calcium, potassium and cartonoids (helps protect against cancer, common cold, and heart disease). They are also high in fiber and low in carbohydrates, making it an excellent addition to everyone's diet.

A great way to include mangos in your diet is to make deliciously simple smoothie.

1 mango
? cup plain yogurt
1 cup milk or soy milk
1 TBS Raw Honey
6-8 ice cubes

Combine the meat of the mango and all other ingredients in a blender. Blend until creamy. Enjoy.

Skin Treatment

If you can resist eating this delicious fruit, you can treat your skin to a wonderful mango scrub. This scrub will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.

1 mango
? cup sugar
1TBS honey
2 TBS whole milk

Blend mango meat, sugar, honey, and milk in a blender until it is smooth. Stand in the tub while rubbing this treatment all over vigorously. Rinse with warm water and finish with cool water.

Body Butter

After your mango scrub, your treatment is complete by adding a non-greasy body butter. Using both the scrub and body butter can leave your skin feeling soft for days.

This body butter recipe contains mango butter (you guessed it!). Mango butter is surprisingly inexpensive. Especially since cosmetic companies are using it for skin care treatments and charging prices as high as $40 for the increasingly popular body butters. You can find it for about $10.75 per pound online.

2 oz mango butter
1 oz olive oil, almond oil, kukui nut oil, macadamia nut oil, etc?
1 TBS(or more) cornstarch (to make it less greasy)
6-8 drops of Fragrance of your choice (try vanilla, lavender, or mix your own)

Melt the mango butter in a double boiler or you may use the microwave. When using the microwave, set the temperature on medium and check every 45 seconds. When the mango butter is completely melted, add oil and cornstarch and stir until it is a nice creamy consistency. Add essential oil or fragrance last. Allow your butter to set in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

There is more than one way to enjoy mango. Eating mango of course is my favorite!

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. For more information visit Danielle's website

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