What Would You Think if I said that You could Overdose on Water?

You would probably think that I was writing a lot of old rubbish, but please stay with me, as I can assure you that it is very possible and there are many cases reported worldwide to back up my statement.

A number of medical experts recommend that everyone should drink eight glasses of water per day, which is about two litres. This old chestnut has been pulled out of the fire, so many times over the years, that no one really knows where the recommendation came from in the first place, or what the benefits to your health would be, if you followed this regime.

A survey that was sponsored by large companies that sell bottled water, state that everyone should consume between one and a half, to two litres per day, of Natural Mineral Water, of course, makes you think, when they paid for the survey.

There is a lot of confusion about how much water should be taken daily, and when you look around, you will see numerous people carrying their water bottles of natural mineral water everywhere, probably more ladies than men.

Excessive consumption of water can lead to a condition known as, Hyponatremia, which means "water intoxication".

People are encouraged to drink water for detoxing purposes, and yes, it does that very well, it can flush most of the toxins out of your body, this is one of the things that it is meant for, but, when you overdo it, the minerals and sodium levels in the blood can become too low, because they are also being flushed out of your system, this can lead to complications, coma and even death.

This situation has often been seen in Athletes, especially runners when they collapse on the track, this is frequently caused by a low level of sodium in the athletes' blood, and there are instances where it has had serious consequences.

A young man of 23 years of age was rushed to hospital, after going in to a coma, he was diagnosed with Hyponatremia, his sodium levels was dangerously low, and his brain was starting to swell, of course there is not much room available for the brain to swell, because it is surrounded by the hard skull, this causes the brain to be compressed and it does not like this one little bit.

Drinking too much water can flush out the essential nutrients and minerals and if you are drinking mineral water to excess, it can lead to high levels of calcium, magnesium or other minerals that is in the water. Some of these minerals are needed, but not in excess quantities.

A large number of water drinkers think that Natural Mineral Water is better for you health than the ordinary water that is supplied by your local authority.

I have written before about the dangerous concoction of chemicals that is put into the water supply, Fluoride, Chlorine and goodness knows what else, but please consider the following: Bottled water is frequently supplied in plastic bottles, this can give bacteria a very good environment for breeding, the water is sometimes taken from natural springs, no one knows what is in that water. You will think that this natural mineral water would be fresh, but, when you consider that it has been in the warehouse, before being shipped to the supermarket, some of these waters come from various overseas countries, so by the time you purchase the water off the supermarket shelf, it could be anywhere up to two years old. Does that make you think?

My personal way of having water is by the use of a rainwater tank, the rain comes from the sky, falls on the roof picks up some dust and probably some bird droppings on the way to the tank. I therefore recommend that the tank is cleaned out on a timely basis, also that a quality filter is fitted in the supply line and that the water is boiled before drinking I use it for drinking water, tea, coffee and for cooking purposes only. Not all local authorities will allow you to have a rainwater tank, but if they do, I honestly feel that even though this is not perfect, it is the best quality water that you are going to get. In today's environment.

Look upon drinking water as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, rather than as something that you have to do every day. Some days you will drink more than on others, if its hot, you will want more, if its cold, you won't be so keen and it will depend on just how thirsty you feel and how hard you are physically working.

My old Grandmother always said to me. "Everything in moderation my boy" it is so true about drinking the essential water and almost everything else that you do in this life.

My websites can supply you with all the essential sugars, minerals and vitamins with Glyconutritionals, or Goji (Wolfberry) Juice.

Article by Alfred Jones
Glyconutritionals The essential sugars that heal.
Goji (Wolfberry) Juice, The health secret of the Himalayas

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