The Omega Zone Diet and Fish Oil

The Omega Zone Diet and specialists' opinion

"Omega RX Zone - The Miracle of High-dose Fish Oil" is considered the best contribution that Dr. Barry Sears has yet made to a healthy diet. The benefits of fish oil are well-known. Species such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are rich in two kinds of Omega 3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids have had proven beneficial effects in complaints such as arrhythmia, high triglyceride levels, atherosclerotic plaque and high blood pressure.

The recommendations of the American Heart Association meet Dr. Sears' up to a point

* Both the AHA and Dr. Sears recognise the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids.

* Both parties tell us that fish is nowadays contaminated with various toxins like mercury, DDT or other harmful substances. See the AHA special report

* People with a high risk of coronary heart disease or of high-level trigliceride cannot obtain enough Omega 3 fatty acids from dietary fish. They may therefore need to supplement their diet with pharmaceutical fish oil.

Nevertheless, opinions vary on some points.

* High doses of fish oil are good for health, but the doses Dr. Sears recommends are much higher than those which AHA considers to be safe.

* Dr. Sears warns us to pay attention to what we buy. This is pharmaceutical fish oil preliminarily tested by International Fish Oil Standards program (IFOS). The AHA's lab studies certified that all brands of pharmaceutical fish oil, even the cheapest, were free from toxins, at the moment of testing. But some of them did not meet the doses advertised on the label.

* Dr. Sears prescribes fish oil capsules for healthy people. The AHA does not.

* Dr. Sears claims that his fish oil supplements, Omega RX ZoneTM, will prevent and help cure heart and brain diseases. THey will also maintain healthy kidneys, immune system, joint movement, maintain cholesterol safe levels, stamina, strength, mood and general well-being. The American Food and Drug Administration did not evaluate any of these statements.

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