Allergy Approaches through Nutrition

Spring in New York City is a really magical time. Flowers and tree buds bring so much beauty to our coveted parks. I was walking through the park this past week and was really loving the site of all those bright, yellow daffodils! However, I also noticed more than one person sneezing in less than a matter of minutes!

If you happen to be an allergy sufferer, before you run right out and purchase the latest over-the-counter-stop-the-sneezing-pill. Try some of these natural nutrition and lifestyle approaches and keep your body running smooth and clean.

Allergy Approaches ? through Nutrition

Many of us are more than familiar with hay fever's dominating symptoms this time of year, but what a lot of people don't know is that it is actually an allergy to proteins in the pollen of trees, grasses and other plants. The pollen in the air increases during blossoming season (just when everything is looking so pretty!)

The immune system is actually designed to recognize that pollen is harmless, but people who suffer from allergies have an over the top reaction when pollen comes in contact with their nose and eyes.

Will being aware of certain foods help ease this suffering? Oh, yes. Here are a few:

1) Reduce Dairy Intake ? especially for allergy sufferers, dairy products can inhibit breathing and increase mucus. Reduce dairy, increase breathing.

2) Cayenne Pepper ? this spice contains an anti-inflammatory substance called capsaicin which helps relieve allergies. Sprinkle liberal amounts of cayenne pepper on your food for a few days and feel the effects!

3) Oregano ? this herb acts as an expectorant and helps clear congestion. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 tsp of fresh oregano or 1 tsp of dried oregano. Steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink throughout the day as needed.

4) Horseradish - this condiment has an extreme ability to thin abundant mucus so it can drain from the nasal passages. Eat as much as you can tolerate (yummy on crackers!) or make a tea by combining horseradish, lemon juice and honey. Drink throughout the day.

5) Vitamins E and C ? these two power vitamins help support healthy immune function as well as prevent allergic response. Your best bet for intake increase: (C ) ? citrus fruits, bell peppers, chiles, amaranth, berries, cabbage, parsley, potatoes, sprouts, tomatoes (E) ? nuts, seeds, whole grains, dark green leaves of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, dandelion greens, sprouts, asparagus, cucumbers and spinach.

To your health and success, Heather

Heather Dominick is a Nutrition-Energy Consultant accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and creator of The Energy Rich Lifestyle Program?. In addition to her nutrition services, she is a motivating and dynamic speaker.

To receive bi-monthly Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips you can (a) subscribe to her free e-Newsletter at or (b) register for a free teleclass at

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