The Treasure of Catalina Huanca (In English and Spanish)

Note: written after seeing the little adobe 16th century church San Sebastian, in San Jeronimo, by the mountains of Huancayo, Peru, after being taken there by the Wandering Quechua guide, Enrique (4-13-2005).

The Treasure of Catalina Huanca

Written by Dennis L. Siluk

There, by the lofty mountains fair

Hidden under the earth by Huancayo In San Jer?nimo de Tunan-

Is Catalina's treasure of gold!

Whereupon, the Spaniards killed

Atahualpa, the Inca King--; Hence, Catalina turned around to seek

And found-her new, sacred ground!...

And, a glutted stream swept-

This little adobe church Called San Sebastian-ever since

In the lofty mountains by Huancayo!...

Spanish Version Por Dennis L. Siluk

Translated by: Rosa and Minerva Pe?aloza

Note: Escrito despu?s de visitar la peque?a iglesia San Sebasti?n construida de adobe en el siglo 16, en San Jer?nimo de Tunan, por las monta?as de Huancayo, Per?, despu?s que ser tomado all? por el Peregrino Quechua gu?a, Enrique (4-13-2005)

El Tesoro de Catalina Huanca

All?, por las altas monta?as

Ocultado bajo la tierra de Huancayo En San Jer?nimo de Tunan-

?Esta el tesoro de oro de Catalina!

Por el cual, los espa?oles mataron

Atahualpa, el Inca Rey-; De ah?, Catalina gir? para buscar

?Y encontr? - su nueva tierra sagrada!...

Y, una corriente saturada barri?-

Esta peque?a iglesia de adobe Llamada San Sebasti?n - desde entonces

?En las altas monta?as de Huancayo!...

Mr. Siluk in an International Poet and Author, his web site is

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